Lock It Up!
Local senior citizen groups.
Nashua youth are using prescription drugs at higher levels than their peers across the state, and they also think it is less harmful and less wrong to take prescription medications without a doctor’s permission. Hence, Nashua Prevention Coalition launched its Lock It Up! Campaign with the help of then Nashua High School South Students Zach Peterson, Colleen Morrisey, and Ali Tatis, the team that created this video targeting local senior citizens groups.
Activities have included making prescription drugs less easy to access by working with Nashua Police Department to install and promote a 24/7 anonymous Prescription Drug Lock Box in its lobby. As of 2018, there are now permanent drop boxes at the following locations:
• Nashua Police Department
• Southern New Hampshire Health
• St. Joseph Hospital
• Walgreens, Main Street
• CVS, Main Street
In addition to the permanent drop boxes, Nashua Prevention Coalition participates in the National DEA Take Back Day every October and April. We encourage people to come to the Nashua DPW Garage and drop off expired or unused prescription medications. Drive-thru, drop-off, and grab a resource bag!
We continue to increase awareness by outreaching to seniors in the community and presenting information around safely securing and disposing of prescription medications.
In addition, we visit local pharmacies with SADD Youth to put safety pamphlets in the prescription bags and provide educational materials to customers.
If you have any additional ideas or would like to have us present our Lock it Up! Presentation, then please contact us.