Lock It Up!
Nashua youth are using prescription drugs at higher levels than their peers across the state, and they also think it is less harmful and less wrong to take prescription medications without a doctor’s permission. Hence, Nashua Prevention Coalition launched its Lock It Up!
Red Ribbon Week
Today, the Red Ribbon Celebration from October 23rd-31st brings millions of people together to raise awareness regarding the need for alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention, early intervention, and treatment services. It is the largest, most visible prevention awareness campaign observed annually in the United States.
Youth Video Project
The Annual Youth Video Project is focused on promoting positive, healthy messages to the entire community through the eyes of Nashua Youth in 1st-12th grade. Participants are invited to create a 60-second video representing their interpretation of the yearly theme.
Sign Our Pledge
“I pledge to support a Nashua Community that helps youth grow up healthy, happy, and substance-free.”
Gratitude Tree Project
The Gratitude Tree Project was amplified in December 2017 to spread positivity throughout the Nashua Community. During the busy holiday season, the coalition felt it would be inspiring to place white birch trees across Nashua with winter themed ornaments on them that had positive sayings like “never give up” and “you are beautiful.”
Community Involvement
Nashua Prevention Coalition participates in several other community events and meetings throughout the year.